
Avocado Toast with Egg

In case you have some leftover avocado from that salad you made recently

Toast + Avocado + Egg = quick, easy and healthy breakfast

Drizzle a little olive oil on your bread of choice (I've used whole wheat bread & English muffins), toast bread to desired doneness, mash half an avocado onto toast, top with fried egg, eat, savor, go forth and concur the work week.

Fyi, it's just as scrumptious without the egg.  I don't know why you would do such a thing but you could forgo the egg if eggs just aren't your thing.

With only a 5 minute prep time, it just doesn't get much simpler than that.

I'll be back this week with some seasonal goodies!!


  1. I will be having this tomorrow morning or for dinner tonight. Looks so tasty! Looking forward to the seasonal goodies!

  2. Had to say "yum" between bites. Great quick, tasty treat.
